COSTA RICA – Albrecht Spaun reports


I had the pleasure of spending a week at the wonderful Southern Drake Lodge in Drake Bay, Costa Rica at the beginning of march.


The accommodation and catering provided by lodge owner Joe left nothing to be desired!


In terms of fishing, I personally concentrated primarily on inshore fishing with light tackle. Various snappers, jacks, mackerels, roosters and trevallies bit on our poppers every day.

Part of our group concentrated the whole week offshore on YFT, the tuna didn’t really want to bite at first, but on the last day the guys from Denmark were also able to get 14 fish up to 140 lbs into the boat.

We spent 1-2 hours a day slow jigging – african pompanos, snapper and amberjacks were very co-operative!

Costa Rica Yellowfin 2

Even though the week was very hot due to the influence of El Nino and the fish were quite sluggish as a result, the results of the other boats were also impressive.

Costa Rica Rooster 2

Drake Bay also leaves nothing to be desired in terms of scenery. The beaches are spotlessly clean, various parrots, monkeys and tapirs could be observed every day, sometimes even during breakfast. At sea, there were countless turtles and dolphins, and occasionally even humpback whales.


Costa Rica is definitely worth a trip for any ambitious sport fisherman!


Albrecht Spaun

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As usual, you can find more video material in the “COSTA RICA” playlist. Enjoy!

We still have 2 places available for our tour from December 03-13, 2024. Just get in touch with us for a detailed offer!