Ebrodelta on fire!


Our guests Alexandra and Jan had already travelled with us in the Ebro Delta in April and caught their first tuna. Once they had tasted blood, it quickly became clear that there had to be a repeat trip this year. At the end of July, we joined our partner Peter in the delta again and the water was boiling. Plenty of predatory tuna and surface action quickly resulted in bent rods.

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Peter is currently on the water every day and reports tuna hunts all day long. Complete escalation and you almost can’t fish past the fish!
Most of the dates in August have already been booked, but if you would like to take a trip to the Ebro Delta at short notice, you should get in touch as soon as possible. Experience shows that the surface action lasts until around the first or second week of September. After that, you can only outwit the bluefins by chumming.

Thanks a lot and SEA you soon!

Your team Travel 2 Fish