100 kg Yellowfin in front of Hallaniyat, Oman

Jarek mit Rekord-Yellowfin aus dem Oman

Our Polish partner agency EVENTUR is currently in Oman and experienced a top-class yellowfin fishing trip in the first 2 days of fishing. Yellowfins between 40 and 80 kg were landed, but what happened yesterday on day 3 is guaranteed to remain in the memory of everyone involved for a long time.


Maciek Rogowiecki reports:


This is the best cruise to the tropics we have ever organized. Even if we couldn’t fish at the end of the trip, it wouldn’t change my opinion. I don’t know, maybe I’m writing this because I’m so feverish, maybe it’s because it’s happening now, in fast forward, and the endorphin levels exceed all possible norms. It doesn’t matter. It’s just the way I’m thinking at the moment, and in 20 years of travel I’ve seen a lot on the oceans. But never anything like these three days.


Our boat caught 11 tunas today. The biggest fish was 77.8 kg for me and 101.3 kg for Jarek. Yes, we exceeded 100 kg. I’m talking about fish caught with a throw, hand-popped. It’s incredible if you’ve been to the tropics and know how strong these fish are. As far as I know, there were 8 or 9 fish on my buddy’s boat, the biggest of which weighed 82 kg. Today, with 2 boats, we brought well over a ton of tuna to the harbor (nobody releases these fish, they all go to the market).


I’ll send you a few photos quickly, and I’ll upload videos in time. I don’t have the strength to go through them. I don’t have the strength to do anything right, and I can barely type on the keyboard.


The sea was as smooth as a table today. We caught a few strong sets with GT and large 120-180 gr poppers. The impact in the photo. The sight of a 50-100 kg fish hitting a popper – a shock, and it’s not easy to surprise us with something after so many years.


P.S. Customers have complained to me that the fish were too big and they weren’t ready for them.

Our guests from Poland are welcome to contact our long-standing partner agency EVENTUR, who will be happy to organize your dream trip to Oman in cooperation with us.




Of course, we will continue to travel to Oman with our group and individual tours and will definitely report on our upcoming groups this season.