COSTA RICA – 12/2024 – Marlin and yellowfins by the dozen

Schöner Sailfish aus Costa Rica, Drake Bay.

In December, we took our group tours to Costa Rica and experienced an offshore fishery of superlatives. Marlin, sailfish and yellowfins were in top form, only the mahi mahi were strangely absent. Normally, countless of them gather off the coast during the rainy season, but somehow the big mahi run along the Pacific coast from Panama to Mexico failed to materialize this year.

Inshore, too, we caught a lot of different species, including roosters, jack crevalle, cubera snapper, amberjacks and several species of fish, which made the fishing varied and entertaining. Unfortunately, a true monster rooster was lost after a brutal escape due to bent hooks, but that’s the way it is. Sometimes the angler wins and sometimes the fish.

Kapitaler Rooster beim Popperfischen
Dicker Cubera Snapper
Amberjack beim Speedjigging

While I spent the day at the lodge, using the time to recover a little from the stressful travel and trade fair season, the rest of the group visited Corcovado National Park and one of them tried his luck kayaking from the beach.
The nature around the lodge is truly breathtaking, with hummingbirds buzzing around the flowers and drinking the nectar, or a curious toucan watching you at breakfast. Truly impressive!

The week on site just flew by again and with such a great group, the group trip to Drake Bay, Costa Rica was really an experience.

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Costa Rica You were wonderful and we will definitely be back. Maybe next year at the beginning of December the Mahis will be back to normal. If you still want to register for the group tour from December 4-13, 2025, then get in touch because we still have places available.