Just came back from an awesome week in Oman with @travel2fish and my personal goal there was to catch a Giant Trevally bigger then I have before. In Oman the fishing is very much like big pike fishing, alot of casting and with very few strikes. We had 2 days of fishing for GT and I did my best to make it count, casting as far as I possibly could all day, focusing on making every sweep of the rod perfect, only fishing my largest poppers, believing and being prepared that at any given second there is a reasonable chance of a 60 kilo GT breaking the surface and completely destroying you physically.
This was by far my absolute coolest experience I have ever done in fishing where my anticipation meets some kind of fear for what might happen if a 60kg fish would bite. While fishing a sunken island over 20 meters of water, out of nowhere this 124cm and approximately 40 kilos GT (it was extremely wide and fat) crushed my popper and then the fight began and the rest is history. This fish was a new personal best and the perfect next step towards my dream goal of 60 kilos.
I can’t wait until I’m standing there again with aching muscles, aching joints and terrible sunburn with a larger GT on my lap.
This fish is thanks to a lot of people especially Travel 2 fish for hosting the trip, Noukhada Fishing for their expertise guiding, Erik Axner and Jussi Saarinen for consulting me beforehand and planning my gear and of course the team effort in the boat from captain Swabir Adi and fishing buddies Stefan Svahn, Peter Hansson and Jocke Danneker!
A huge fish can always be caught during the first try but a dream fish for me is chased and earned during many years, my dream lives on and one day I hope to catch it but for now, I need to soak up all of the awesome impressions from Oman, the land of giants!
Many thanks to Daniel Nilsson for the short report and congrats again from us fro this dream catch. We hope to be part of the next PR as well.
Looking forward to it already!
SEA you soon.